Here are some more of the tents that I would love to have...
They are on different farms scattered through Britain.

This is an example of the layout.
I would have old timber furniture.
In the kitchen I would have a jar of homemade cookies for your arrival. Cold milk in the fridge from Daisy the cow.
A fresh loaf of homemade bread.
Bacon, farm eggs and mushrooms in the fridge for you to cook for your breakfast.
Fluffly towels on the end of the bed and chocolates.
Crisp, white cotton sheets and cosy doonas.
A basket of fluffy socks to keep your feet warm at night.
Magazines to flick through.
A bible for encouragement.
A game of chinese checkers. Mmmmm .... that's random.

Imagine these on my acreage. One near a big old tree with a tyre swing... One down near the creek.... One with a view of the rolling green hills....
Arrrrrr........ it's nice to dream........

Love this night picture.
They probably have a 'Jamie Oliver slow cooked lamb' in the oven... And they are sipping a glass of red...

You would be able to wonder the farm... Feed the chooks.... Pat the lamb....
Okay... a sauna down near the creek for Biggsie...
A large play area for the kids so you can relax. Large sandpit and a flying fox.
Did I mention the big old barn.... It would have a pool table and pin ball machine.
A couple of old bikes for you to ride on and explore the tracks.
Arrrr...... well, there's a few of my dreams anyway....
Maybe I should start a money box...
Donations can be made in cash or cheques made payable to "Farmer Mel". :)