Well today I feel so thankful for my beautiful children...

You see, a few weeks ago I came across a blog where they were praying for a little boy that is Jack's age, his name is Cole. We have been following his updates and praying for him. Below is his story...
You see, a few weeks ago I came across a blog where they were praying for a little boy that is Jack's age, his name is Cole. We have been following his updates and praying for him. Below is his story...
"Cole is a 3 year old little boy who has been a blessing from the start to his parents Aaron and Moireen Ruotsala and his sister Chaneille. He has been a daddies boy always, and his favorite thing to do is play 'corners' with his dad. A game he invented by chasing his dad around their fireplace. He is always wanting to spend time with dad and loves to go fishing and loves airplanes. He is the sweetest little boy who loves his family dearly and loves his baby sister so much! On thursday night July 24th he started complaning of stomach pains. He was up most of the night off and on screaming in pain. His stomach had appeared to be enlarged and rock hard by friday. After Moireen had talked with her mother they decided to take him into the emergency room in ironwood thinking that his appendix might have ruptured. He was checked into the hospital and the doctors ran tests on him most of the night. They new something was wrong but ruled out appendix. At 5:30 this morning, July 26 the doctors thought it was cancer and immedietly transfered him by ambulance to St. Josephs Children's hospital in Marshfield WI. There he was seen by Dr. Mcmanus where he did confirm that it is cancer, possibly Neuroblastoma, (not confirmed yet) the tumor is the size of a man's fist and it has overtaken his left kidney, penetrated his spleen, is moving into his liver, and traces of it have now showed up in his lungs. The tumor is inoperable because it is wrapped around his aeorta and wrapped around his spine. The doctors will be starting more tests on monday to find out what type of cancer it is and then will procede further in trying to figure out the right treatment. Cole is on pain medicine right now and that is their main concern right now trying to keep him comfortable. please pray for Cole and his family, for strength, for wisdom for the doctors and for the lord's presence to flood their room and cole's body. Aaron ask's for prayer that Cole can be comforted and be healed. He also said to cherish every second with the ones you love, especially your children! Thank you so much for the prayers and i will do my best to keep this updated as best as i can."
Heartbreaking, can't imagine the pain of seeing your child like that. Yes, too true, we don't know the time we have with our dear ones, it's really all that matters.