On the day we left for our 'girls weekend away' I was so sick with a headache and vomitting. I spent most of the day on the lounge sleeping and trying to get better. While I was asleep, Jack tidied the lounge room and Laura made some presents and tags for my friends. She knew how much I wanted to give them something and because I was so sick, I had to forget that idea. When I woke up she showed me these amazing tissue holders (handbag size) that she had sewn.
Then she googled 'vintage pattern' and found these gorgeous pics and printed tags to go with the gifts. Thank you so much Laura for being such an incredible daughter. You are so thoughtful and kind..

Here are the tags.
We enjoyed the last day shopping in Bangalow. I picked up some vintage flashcards for Jack that I fell in love with. I grabbed some cute presents to take home to the kids. We had morning tea and then lunch at utopia cafe. It was soooo yummy.

Melissa picked up some great crates that she turned into bookshelves above her daughter's bunk beds...

Had to stop at one last shop...

Cute little car outside the Retro shop...

These are the lovely girls I went away with. It was very hard to get a photo of them together.
Thank you girls for such a beautiful weekend. It was the best weekend away with other Mum's that I've ever had. I enjoyed the talks, the cuppa's and just being encouraged and accepted for who I am.