Wednesday, March 18, 2009

These are a few of my favourite things...

I'm back from my 10 day blogging break...

I will fill in the gaps soon. I want to scan and post my wedding photo for you all to have a good laugh at... It was our 19th wedding anniversary last week. And I also have some beautiful photos from my sister-in-laws wedding on the weekend.

Anyway, here are some of my favourite things to help me get back into the blogging swing...

Yes, I still love blue and red...

I love this cup...

I love the colours they have used in these blankets...

Oh how I would love to be snuggled up in my favourite chair reading this magazine right now...

What great chocolate wrapping. Why don't cadbury do this? Yes, I'm a cadbury girl. :)


  1. Hello again! Welcome back - I've been lookin' for ya!
    Cuppa Thursday??

  2. Hey Tiff,
    Yer, I'm back.
    Thanks for dropping by the blog.
    I would love a cuppa today. Should be home all day just getting housework and homeschool done. Might need to get groceries later cause the pantry is empty.
    Let me know when you're ready.
    Love Mel xx

  3. My sweet friend, what lovely inspiration. I'm glad your back- i missed your blogging.

  4. Great photos Mel, are they your things? How did you do those mini photos like that? Love it! x

  5. Hi kez, no, that aren't my things.. I just wish they were though.
