Thursday, May 29, 2008

A trip down memory lane...

Finally after waiting for 9 years, God fulfilled his promise to us for another child. It was God's perfect timing. We were so looking forward to his birth and my bags were packed early waiting to go to the hospital. After waiting so long, Jack decided to make me wait 2 weeks past my due date. It's funny how you can picture in your mind what it will be like when you have your baby... visitors coming and sharing the excitement.... somehow I missed out on that and we had no idea what was about to happen after his birth... God told me to Fully Rely On Him. (and boy did I need too).
After being told when Jack was 2 days old that he had been born with complications, we waited patiently for an ambulance to take us to the Royal Children's for surgery, only to find out that the power in the ambulance wasn't working and they had to turn off Jack's drip and heater.
Chris and I followed in the car and watched as the ambulance had a tyre blow out on the gateway. We then had to wait for another ambulance to pick us up on the side of the road.

I knew that God had special plans for our son and the enemy was trying all he could to discourage us but we knew Jack was safe and that God would be with him.

Finally the second ambulance arrives.

Jack in intensive care with me and Auntie B. 
Bern and Robb surprised us and came up and waited with us in emergency and then stayed through the evening and into the early hours of the morning while Jack had his surgery. Bern made me up a bed in the kitchen area of intensive care and then made me toast after midnight. We really appreciated having them there to take our mind off what was happening.

Back in the children's ward. A week I will never forget....
After testing been done on heart, lungs and lots of ultrasounds Jack was given the all clear that everything else was okay.
Now I was looking forward to getting out of hospital and bringing Jack home...
I almost ran to the car on the day we were allowed to leave.


  1. I can remember that so clearly, yet it seems like a world away... You described it so well.
    Love you,

  2. A beautiful story of God's faithfulness! Thanks for sharing. Jack is a blessed boy!
