Friday, May 30, 2008
Great day with the family...
Thursday, May 29, 2008
A trip down memory lane...
After being told when Jack was 2 days old that he had been born with complications, we waited patiently for an ambulance to take us to the Royal Children's for surgery, only to find out that the power in the ambulance wasn't working and they had to turn off Jack's drip and heater.
Chris and I followed in the car and watched as the ambulance had a tyre blow out on the gateway. We then had to wait for another ambulance to pick us up on the side of the road.
Bern and Robb surprised us and came up and waited with us in emergency and then stayed through the evening and into the early hours of the morning while Jack had his surgery. Bern made me up a bed in the kitchen area of intensive care and then made me toast after midnight. We really appreciated having them there to take our mind off what was happening.
After testing been done on heart, lungs and lots of ultrasounds Jack was given the all clear that everything else was okay.
Now I was looking forward to getting out of hospital and bringing Jack home...
I almost ran to the car on the day we were allowed to leave.
My caring daughter...
As soon as Jack was born she starting crying with relief and excitement and went running out to tell family that were waiting out in the waiting room.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Jack turns 3...
It's hard to believe that Jack is 3 years old. We waited so long for him to arrive and now the time seems to be racing along so fast. It makes me want to stop and enjoy every moment because you never get to go back and have them again. I love waking up in morning and snuggling into my little boy. I love the way he looks up into my eyes and tells me "I love you heaps, Mummy". I love the way he sings songs to me. He has brought so much joy into our lives.
Jack had his Digger and Dumpers Party this morning with his friends from church. He was so excited. It was worth staying up last night past midnight and rising before the sun this morning to make it special for him. I couldn't have done it without the help of my amazing husband. Biggsie printed all the signs for the backyard and made the amazing cake. He also printed matching shirts for Jack and himself. We kept his shirt a secret until just before the party and it was worth all the effort to see the look on his face when he saw the backyard and his new shirt.
Thanks also to big sis (Laura) and Teg's for blowing up all the balloons and my special friend, neighbour and relative Tiff for spending the afternoon cleaning up with me and chatting.
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