Tuesday afternoons when my Dad comes to visit, we sit around the dining room table having a cuppa and surfing together... (what would the Ingalls think from "Little House on the Prarie")...
I love this watercolour that Laura painted as a gift for Brent and Renee's first wedding anniversary. She used a photo that she took of them on their wedding day, sitting at the beach. She is so creative and talented. I love the chocolate frame she chose from ikea. They loved their gift...
My beautiful family lead worship on Sunday. Chris played the guitar and lead, Laura played the piano and sang, and Jack, well he had his own microphone and guitar too... They were so amazing.
I homeschool our 2 beautiful children that God has blessed us with. I absolutely love being a wife and mum. I love holidays in our camper trailer at the beach, country drives, going out for coffee, interior decorating, exploring new shops, finding bargains on ebay, hanging out with special friends, high teas, making homemade gifts (and receiving them) family bike rides and having a vegie garden...