Sunday, August 31, 2008

Family Day Fun at Double Island Point...


  1. ok, now you are just showing off!!
    You need to tell me how to do some of this stuff!
    We have so much we need to do together, including little glass pebbles . . .

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Tiff,
    Just click the 'make your own' and have a go. There are heaps of ones to choose from.
    Otherwise grab a block of chocolate and walk over here and i will show ya. (Laura can make us a cuppa again) :)
    And yes, the glass pebbles.... i still can't find the flaming big, flat ones.... arrrrr... I will keep looking.
    love Mel xxx

  4. That's an awesome application. You're very clever... I must spend some more time finding these things.

  5. Feel free to use anything I put on my blog...
    I get my ideas from other blogs so you are more than welcome to copy slideshow...
    There are heaps of different slideshow backgrounds to use. When i saw this one, I had to have it. I used to have a slide toy thingie when I was a little with disneyland pictures. It was so cool....

  6. Hi finally I got to have a look at your cool add on, I had lost somehow the flash player, anyway it is great!
